Care For A Dog

Owning a pet is a joy, privilege, and responsibility. If you are considering bringing a new companion into your life, think seriously about the commitment that being a responsible pet owner entails.

Train Your Pet the Right Way from Day 1

The second you looked at your little creature, you were smitten. But while your new pet may be all licks, nibbles, and cuddles now, it takes work to turn that bundle of love into a perfect pet. You'll need to train it, giving it the tools required to interact with people and other animals throughout its life successfully. Here's how to give your new addition a great start.

Give Your Pet Some Time

Most pets should not be away from their moms and littermates until they are eight weeks old or older. During these first few weeks, your pet needs food, love, and affection from its mother. It will be busy learning to play and acquiring social skills from siblings.

Littermates teach each other not to bite or to roughhouse too strenuously, as well as frustration tolerance. The early years are also a time when your pet will be getting used to different people and learning about pack dominance. These lessons will continue in your home.

Welcome Your New Addition Home

The first few days together are exciting, with everyone getting to know each other and having a good time. Interactions may feel like fun and games, but your pet is busy learning what to do and what not to do, whether you realize you're teaching your love or not. If you've taken a very young animal into your home, it will feel vulnerable, crave security, safety, and a routine, as well as love.

Pets Need Healthy Food

For your pet to grow up healthy and live a longer life, give them food that meets their nutritional needs! For example, the diet of a senior dog may differ from that of a puppy. Older dogs may have problems with chewing and digestion, so give them a soft or wet diet. You won't be giving the same food to every pet.

Don't forget to give pets the right amount of food, too! Overfeeding your pet or giving them too many treats could lead to obesity, which could consequently trigger more health problems such as heart disease, renal issues, and more. Weigh your options when it comes to pet food to avoid these kinds of illnesses - and if you don't precisely know what foods are best for your pet, it's a great idea to ask the opinion of your vet!

Give Your Pets Cool, Fresh Water to Drink

Just like human beings, pets need water to survive. Always provide a clean, fresh bowl of water to any animals in your care! Make it accessible to them by placing it near their food bowl, and remember to refill your pet's water bowl at least two times a day. Freshwater will keep them hydrated and healthy!

If your pet lives in water, like fish and turtles, clean aquariums at least once a week, failing to do so could lead to smelly tanks and sick pets!

Keep a Regular Schedule

Keeping a regular schedule is one of the most important things you can do for your pet and yourself. Your pet will know when they need to go out, take a nap, play, or get ready for bed. The schedule will help their temperament and will help you create a great relationship with your pet.

No matter what animal you call a friend, taking care of them is an essential part of letting them know you love them.

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